RACE-POL Listserve
RACE POL is a discussion list sponsored by the Section on Race, Ethnicity and Politics of the American Political Science Association. The list exists to facilitate communication among political scientists and other scholars who share an interest in race, ethnicity and political power. Messages to the list include, among other topics, discussions of issues in racial and ethnic politics, requests for citations and sources, book reviews and new book announcements, information about graduate programs, job announcements, notices of upcoming conferences and meetings, and reports from the Section on Race, Ethnicity and Politics.
Professional Standards
RACE POL is a moderated list, intended primarily for faculty and graduate students in political science and related disciplines, but open to all others with an interest in the topic. Our charter from the Section on Race, Ethnicity and Politics authorizes use of this list, first and foremost, as a resource for scholarly interchange. Other uses of the list (i.e., private communication, partisan commentary, political announcements, etc.) are allowed as a courtesy and, in the interest of free speech, are protected by the list moderator so long as such uses do not interfere with our main purpose of serving as a forum for the exchange of knowledge in our field and profession.
The list works best when each contributor adheres to our Section's tradition of courtesy, professionalism and scholarship. Discussions can be intense, but postings should always be respectful. For those interested in combative or polemical discourse, there are many other newsgroups available. All subscribers are expected to accept and abide by these standards of scholarly exchange.
To subscribe to Race-pol, send a message from the e-mail address you plan to use to receive messages TO: [email protected] with one line of text: SUB RACE-POL Your Real Name
Example: SUB RACE-POL Paula Mohan
You will receive a confirmation request from the server. Reply to it with the letters OK in the first line of your message and your subscription will be complete.
To UNsubscribe to Race-POL, send a message using the e-mail address with which you are subscribed TO: [email protected] with one line of text: UNSUB RACE-POL (do not put your name in here)
If you receive a confirmation request, reply to it with the letters OK in the first line of your message.
Sending a Message to the List
If you would like to send a message to the list, the address is [email protected]. All messages will be vetted by the moderator, and should adhere to accepted standards of professionalism. Do not send attachments to the list; instead paste materials into the body of the email message.
Contacting the Moderator
For questions about list policies, features, or issues regarding subscription, please contact our list moderator, Paula Mohan at [email protected] . The moderator would also appreciate hearing any ideas you have for how to make this list more accessible and/or useful.